Local history

In the history, the Lushan Moutain had been subordinate to the Chaisang county before the Southern Dynasty(159B.C.--589), it was subordinate to the Pencheng county in the Sui Dynasty(581--618), and to the Dehua and Xingzi counties in the Song Dynasty. (960--1279)It had been remained unchanged until the end of Qing Dynasty.(1644-1912) During the early of Republic of China, the Dehua county renamed as Jiujiang county.

In the early of 20th century, a police station was set up on the Lushan Mountain. The Lushan Mountain Administration Bureau was established in 1922, which was under jurisdiction of Jiujiang city. In 1930, this Bureau was under the direct control of the Jiangxi Provincial Government.

In May 1949, the Lushan Mountain Military Control Commission and the Lushan Mountain Administration Office were set up. It renamed as the Lushan Mountain Administration Bureau under Jiangxi Provincial Government in 1950. It was called as the Lushan Mountain Special District Government of Jiangxi Province in 1953. The Lushan Mountain Administration Bureau under Jiangxi Provincial Government was set up in 1954, and the Lushan Mountain Administration Bureau of Jiangxi Province in 1955. The Lushan Mountain Revolution Commission was erected in 1968, subordinate to the Jiujiang Regional District. In 1977, the Lushan Mountain Administration Bureau of Jiangxi Province was reused, it became the Lushan Mountain District of Jiujiang city in 1980. The Lushan Mountain Scenic and Historic Interest Administration Bureau was formally set up in 1984, and has remained unchanged till now.