Tian Qiao Glacial Spillway (Heavenly Bridge)

Tian Qiao Glacial Spillway is located in-between Xi Gu and Jin Xiu Gu glacial U- Valleys. The glacier from Xi Gu Valley flowed into Jin Xiu Gu Valley through Tian Qiao glacial spillway. It eroded the spillway gradually into a natural stone bridge which collapsed 630 years ago.

Legend has it that Zhu Yuan Zhang1328-1398AD, the 1st emperor of the Ming Dynasty, fought with Chen You Liang on Po Yang Lake. He was defeated, fled to Lushan and ended upon a precipice with no where to go. A golden dragon appeared from the heaven and turned into a bridge that helped Zhu’s group escape. The dragon then flew away and the bridge collapsed just in time. The bridge was subsequently called Heavenly Bridge. The story of the collapsing bridge originated while Zhu Yuan Zhang was the emperor of China. True story or fable? It is still a mystery!